The overall purpose of the Internal Market Information System (IMI) is to facilitate the cross-border cooperation of European authorities in a number of areas.
The IMI online tool has been developed with built-in data protection (privacy by design). This means that only the competent authorities involved in the case are able to see the relevant personal data in IMI. Furthermore, all personal data is automatically blocked from the system 6 months after the case is closed in IMI and deleted after 3 years.
Your rights
If personal data about you is processed in IMI, you could have several rights, including the right to access, correct and delete your data.
If you wish to exercise your rights, you must first contact the relevant IMI actor, i.e. the competent Danish authority responsible for the registration of your personal data in IMI.
The Danish Data Protection Agency is also a user of IMI, so you have the right to contact the Danish Data Protection Agency regarding your personal data in IMI, of which the Danish Data Protection Agency is responsible for the registration.
You can contact the Danish Data Protection Agency if you wish to:
- know what data about you is being processed in IMI (right of information)
- exercise your right to have inaccurate or incomplete personal data corrected
- exercise your right to have unlawfully processed personal data deleted
The Danish Data Protection Agency is the supervisory authority in relation to the processing of personal data in the Danish part of the IMI system. This means that the Danish Data Protection Agency supervises the Danish IMI actors' processing of personal data. The Danish Business Authority is the IMI coordinator in Denmark.
At EU level, the Danish Data Protection Agency participates in the Coordinated Supervision Committee, which ensures coordinated supervision of IMI and other large scale IT systems.
You may complain to the Danish Data Protection Agency if you have already been in contact with the IMI actor and you are dissatisfied with its decision.
If you wish to file a complaint, please provide the following information:
- a description of what you want to complain about
- a copy of the decision or response you have received from the competent Danish authority (IMI actor)
- any other material that you believe is relevant to your complaint
More information
You can read more about IMI on the following website:
Relevant legislation:
The scope of IMI is set out in an annex to the Regulation as well as in the adoption of implementing acts by the Commission.